You are constantly being asked to do more with less. Whether in business, social or family life. Everyone is striving or being pushed to improve performance - do things better, faster, cheaper. The pressures on every individual to increase their own and their team's performance is increasing - the more turbulent the environment, the greater the pressure.
This handbook is intended to help you understand and develop your leadership capabilities and behaviours and enable you to more effectively develop your team. Throughout this handbook, I use the game of golf as a metaphor and parallel to the game of leadership to aid your understanding and illustrate with examples.
Before the non-golfers panic!
You do NOT need to be a golfer to understand this, even if you have never held a golf club. If you know that Tiger Woods is a golfer and not a large cat in the trees then the examples are easy to see and follow.
This handbook forms the basis of our work with individuals, small teams and organisations to develop individual leadership capability and in developing team cohesiveness and performance.
The GAINMORE™ Advantage model, on which this is based, has developed over many years of experience working with many individuals and companies and is a spin-off of my doctoral research into management learning.
I trust that you enjoy your journey with me.