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Drift Mode

Drift mode

The stresses of Push Mode, always making things happen and forever coming up against  obstacles and ‘time-wasters’, causes many people to fall into Drift Mode rather than Pull Mode.

Drift Mode is quite different to Pull Mode, somewhat ‘New-Agey’ in influence where one just ‘lets  things happen’. call it karma, fate, life forces, whatever - it generally involves emptying your mind  of worries and anxieties and just letting life happen to you. Whatever way the wind blows, you drift  along with it.

You might end up on an agreeable shore when you allow yourself to drift over the seas of life, or  you might end up somewhere unpleasant, or. most probably, you’ll just continue drifting along.

Pull Mode is different because there is a clear and articulated vision of your compelling goal that  is pulling you towards it. The aimlessness of Drift Mode may be refreshing for a while, but the  anxieties of life will soon catch up and cause as much stress as Push Mode already does for the  vast majority of people.

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